
The dominant and the submissive. The one that wants control, and the one that lets it go. One who leads and the other who follows. The male and the female. Leaning on the edge of ambiguity. How deep are you willing to go? To experience in ways you have never experienced before. A bondage. Because love. Love is a surrender. Total abandonment of yourself to another (Alan Watts). Are you willing to surrender?

A safety word. A red light if it goes too far. Red to keep you safe. There for the edge of danger. In the intensity of passion. Red the color to save. Breaking the ties and setting her free, catching her if she should fall. Wrapping a blanket and rescuing her in arms, holding her. A spoken trust in consent.

Two rings sitting side by side, one on the other. Do you trust her, if the roles were reversed? How would she lead the dance?

"If you may like, I want to go over your boundaries with you sometime- I want to know what you like and what you don’t. And if you may be comfortable, I'd like to explore it further with you.”

How open is she to new ideas? Trying something new. Pushing boundaries out of the comfort zone. The further you go, the more free you feel. Adding more to the fun sometimes, under certain rules of course, and always with each other in mind. This was much later in the relationship. He never forced her to do something she wasn't comfortable with, and she eventually opened her boundaries to ideas, trusting him with her heart.

Zhen Zhu

A rose for your stay 🌹


