
In that grand entrance waiting for a reveal. Elegantly dressed in a stunning white dress that reached down to the floor. White gloves that reached the shoulders. A beautiful necklace and earring. Who is she? Where is she?

There is a voice. You’ll know when you know. When you see her, don’t think, be reckless to do it. And if it feels right…

I do.

Will you marry me? It was a pretty but standard ring. He wasn’t a rich man, and the only thing he was able to offer her was a dream. But the world he painted for her when they were together, and the strong integrity in his values, was what made her love him. And the longer they were together, the more grandeur it became.

When she was pregnant, he was always there for her. no matter how emotional her hormones made her, no matter how crazy she seemed. Well not too crazy of course. He knew that he had to take care of her. Even before and after the baby, when he found out her time of the month, he was more gentle and kind to her. He cared for her, but made sure to find time to take care of himself. He spoiled her, but he was strict and disciplined. She loved him because of that, he treated her like his queen, but he had enough respect with himself to understand his worth.



