
What we do is often a test to others, to see who they really are. Sometimes it happens without us knowing, other times it is deliberate, but it shows us who they really are inside, deep at the heart. People are different, and value different things, at different places at different times. Observing and realizing what gravitates and what passes by. But to able to put them all on the same level, varying colors on the spectrum of light shows true beauty.

She was drunk that night. She generally never drinks that much but she wanted to get her mind off of things. He brought her to her home, she suggested by saying she needed his help with something, her drunken attempt in leading him on.

"I'm sorry, I don’t think you’re thinking clearly", he said stopping her advances as she kissed him.

"Well, does that even matter?", she replied slightly eager teasing along.

"Look, um… you're vulnerable and something seems to be on your mind, I just don't want to be taking advantage of you."

"But I am giving you the advantage. Enjoy it", she said.

"Believe me, I really want to, but it wouldn’t be the right thing to do” (Friends, The One Where Joey Speaks French).

He was about to politely tell her he was going to leave, when she asked him if he could stay. "Oh, please", she said. "I just don't want to be alone tonight". He knew she was upset about something but he didn't know it just yet. Her father had passed away.


He walked up to her seeing how she was, and held her. She cried. He never left her side listening to anything she had to say, which wasn’t much, rubbing her shoulders softly and gently. In the end, you can only really just be there for someone, to be there to listen, to comfort.

She fell asleep at some point and he brought her to her room placing the blanket over her. He cleaned her house, she had left it a mess lately, when he finished he took a nap on the couch. He made breakfast for her the following morning. A paper bag of grocery laid on the kitchen table, keys lying in sight. He was preparing coffee and a nutritional drink he bought her. The nutrients would help after a rough night.

"Good morning", he said. “I have to leave soon, but I made breakfast. I hope you don't mind I used some food from your fridge. I can pay you for it later." She gave a little laugh before grabbing her head in pain. He placed two plates and two drinks down on the dining bar table. "Here", he said pushing the drink towards her. "Take a sip of this, it'll help with your hangover." She took the coffee and said "thanks", wrong drink.

She paused, running to the bathroom beginning to throw up into the toilet bowl. He walked in, "I got you", he said holding her hair and soothing her back…

And that’s where the scene ends.

It continues later, fast forwarding into the evening. She was sitting on the couch with a blanket and warm cup of tea. She was grateful he stayed and appreciated the gentlemen that he was, she texted him.

Zhen Zhu

A rose for your stay 🌹



