there stood his beloved. there she once stood. but left to drift away, far far away. distant alone cold. distant without a hold. a farewell in letter, if only to send her. beautiful, but sad. beautiful for it happened, and beautiful in the wonder ahead.

that night to the stars, they stood together. what had felt would last forever, a heart was given but left, riven- as petals fall to the street. there alone, left on her own, for only whispers left for her to meet.

segment by segments of seeds dispersing. into an earth to be found her. from land to sea, the skies breeze, to all that can possibly be. if only a wonder, of what to become her, to fly and fly free.

a quiet night as raindrops place, for which they grace and forever chase. but past the eve left much to leave, for drops upon her sleeve. a parting gift of moment kiss, knowing only there to miss.

rain fell, where they stood. against her cheeks and made them laugh. he stood, leaving flowers. something beautiful, for something lost. in loving memory... farewell, my love.

an elegant grace, echoes embrace, as drips and drops of reflection. shatter. to a beauty of without a trace. a dance, crescendo, of bouquet forgotten vase.… silence in the sound of applause.

there he left. nothing to care. nothing to share, for she was no longer there. love gone, forced out, a roar in a chained shout. so to grow once more, he walked out the door. accepting, releasing…. of the sand washed shore.

it was there she twirled, a dress of blush, lovely just to say. an innocent crush, or so he thought, and yet it wouldn't go away. somehow he knew her, somehow he loved her, and somehow he lost her. curtsy of bokeh blurs

love. love is an art. every step slow. the passion strong. and when pieces fall apart, we begin as strangers again. so he forgot. he saw her face in every flower, and yet she wasn't there. but still, he surrounded his world in flowers.