
Researchers once studied the effects of touch on individuals. Whether or not, one may be more successful in acquiring a phone number by adding a light one-second touch to the forearm. Two hundred and forty subjects were randomly approached with a predetermined skit, to each uttering the same lines. Interestingly, when there was no touch, there was a success rate of 10%; when there was touch the rate nearly doubled to 20% (N. Gueguen, 2007). What is it about touch, that remarkably affects our behavior?

He didn't want to seem too eager. Sometimes he didn't know what to say. So he looked for an excuse, an excuse to be in touch. It wasn’t easy, and he didn't want to be too much, simply enough, seeing if she may return the ball back onto his court, to continue the play, for another chance. Wondering if she may return the ball as much as him… kicking, serving, passing. Slowly coming together and slowly drifting apart.

Am I attracted to her? Or am I attracted to who I am with her? Before I couldn't help but think about being with her. But now I imagine settling down with her. I never saw that before. What makes her different?

What make's someone wife material? What makes someone husband material? Is it all a matter of preference? How deep do you think, before it gets too deep? One side thinks that's the desire, and the other side plays the other. There's a conflict and a balance. One keeps the other from drowning.

He talked about other girls, but in the end it was about her. And he gave her a space too, to talk about other guys. It was a sense of freedom because physical attractiveness is simply just that.

In the end, his heart was for her, others may come and go, but she was given a key. Which she later offered to return when they departed. Keep it as a memento, he tells her. I don’t like taking back gifts. His lock was changed later on, it had nothing to do with her, it was just how he was. As the entrance to the door changes. A portraiture of flowers decorating in its place. She kept the key as a sentiment. Even if it no longer worked.

"Interesting", she said opening it up and seeing what was inside.

"Why don't we try it out... in public?", she said. "Here you take control"

"Where do you want to go?"

"Let's go out to dinner", she continued, a bit mischievous.



