
Being a player was in the nature, at the roots of the heart. But there was a surface desire for a love story; a stumble that came across accidentally, coincidentally. To make the play of many to be in the play of one. The road of no commitments is a road that is hard to turn back from. An enticing game of live and let go. Are you ready to go down that path? Not waiting for marriage, but waiting for the right one. To love and be loved. Taking the steps to get to that point. If the heart should break at that point, then that would be the turning point. A change of heart.

A heartbreaking love, he was heartbroken, and broke hearts through nature. It was familiarity, playing things off, testing the limits of the edge, avoiding chains that may bar down. Bars on a window that was withering in missing sun. Locked. No way of escaping. Wondering if there may be something else. That wasn't locked. Doors that were closed and shut. But then he remembers, the gate was never locked, it was always open, he was always able to leave. It was simply a matter of perspective, and so it was no longer a prison. Free to come and go. As the paint drip in his leave. Unfinished. It was never finished, but that’s how it was.

That was the fate signed. To leave. A greater purpose. Was that story worth being the ending to it all? But a possibility that they may meet again. In the same or another life, in the same or another place.

Be comfortable with yourself, being direct with honest intentions. Going to places/ activities that was of interest. Dressing properly, uncomfortably yet comfortably. Tailored to a style of taste: subtle, mysterious, yet with a hint of attention- always distinctive to others. Subtle to not stand out. Mysterious to arouse the imagination and a hint of attention for a notice and approach. Every detail matters. When talking, talk to everyone, get to know everyone, knowing that if it gets to her, and she is interesting and reciprocated, then a possibility to perhaps pursue further. Sociable in the beginning, comfortable in the self to find a connection, and seduction in conclusion. A phone number or a night to remember?

Bringing her to his home, just the two of them. 

The first love. the first kiss. The first time. The leap of faith from the cliff to the waters below. The moments after the first are never the same. sometimes that’s just how it is, needing the time to climb back up the cliff. Looking for something or someone to feel that initial feeling again. A course of action to do it well, this time around. Two different lifestyles, each of individuals with contrasting lives, but little was it known that it was similar. Fools falling in love with different things. One a fairytale, of finding what feels right. The other a constant change in new experiences, to feel what is found to be right. each exciting on their own. But the combination, to be able to create that with trust, do you dare let that go? To betray that? They are both romantic in their own respects, one being patient for the one in waiting. The other in the experiences for the one to inspire change. Which should you choose?

Getting over her, was the hardest thing he ever had to do. But that was what he had to do. she had the choice to be with who she wants to be, even if it wasn’t with him, even if life separated them apart. Still, every girl reminded him of her, she was all he could see for awhile. As much as he may have wanted to be with her, as much as it would hurt, every now and then an ache in his heart. They changed each other in ways they never imagined. Reminders bringing memories back of what they once had. places that just didn’t feel the same without them around… after his first love broke him, he went down the other path. It was no longer about waiting for the right girl. Now it was about finding who she is by playing.

Regards is a formality in the conduction of business, an attire of neat professionalism with a statement that is clear, concise, and to the point. The proper etiquette that we seek in a formal date. Natural symmetry/ asymmetry in the coincidental placement. May you fancy a seat?

The tides crept closer to their feet. He laughed as she jerked back from getting wet.

"Why do you like being sad?"

"It's not that I like being sad, I've been so used to it. I got to see that no matter how hard, or how dark things can get. When you look, the slivers of hope that shines across the night sky, can be truly beautiful. And when I realized this, then I knew that it can only get better from here."

She thought of the northern lights as he was speaking, the aurora borealis, a sight her father promised to take her when she was just a kid.

He didn’t like being sad, but it was how he sometimes felt. It hurt, aching from experiences, emotions, thoughts. So he had to tear down the fantasy of expectations, afraid of getting hurt- becoming emotionless in the presence of emotion. Coming to understand that in order to feel something so happy and beautiful, he would feel something so sad and beautiful. It was a circle. Needing time to heal, sometimes much longer than he wanted. Lost. Intertwining the heavens and hells, coming to Earth.

She was hugging her knees as they sat in the sand next to each other. It was getting much later now…

"Check her out”

“…”, he took a subtle glance. “Beautiful”

That was how the album began, lyrics shared that shattered the attachment, the sentiment, the meaning- by giving it away to others. Living life closer in the vicinity of vices, and less of the virtues. The past fading into background, never completed. Love songs left unfinished… flowers left. In the end, we are always left alone. to love being alone, sentinel in love, looking and searching for who she may be. Leaving flowers behind for those that were left behind. Those that could’ve been the possibility.

Zhen Zhu

A rose for your stay 🌹


