Why do people like the capacity to chase? Does it give them a sense of value? If something was caught, would we get bored if it never tries to caught again? Like a game of tag. Tag you’re it. The harder the catch, the greater the sense of accomplishment. But does the hunt truly ever end? Even in something long term, isn't it always about the hunt and the chase? Only this time it is with something else in mind? Is that why people cheat, when they lose that sense of feeling like they can still find someone worth catching? Is a relationship always about the finding and chasing of one another? A 60-40 give and take? One giving slightly more, hoping the other will come after? As it teeters and totters back and forth, as one catches the other and the other escapes or is let go. An endless chase of one another. And would marriage and starting a family then be 100-100. Sometimes falling short to 90-110 or 110-90. If the other may be sick or need a hand 180-20, 20-180. Knowing they caught something worth keeping, and putting 100 of what they can do into it. 100 into the energy put in, and a hunt and chase in the other aspects.
Would you want to know if your spouse cheated on you, or die happily unbeknownst to their lie? Ignorance is bliss, but is a trust without truth. Honesty. Honesty frees your heart, honesty builds a trust. The green stem that grows and the green leaves that flourish, to support the bud of the flower as it blossoms about. No matter how short-lived, no matter how long-lasting. And when that trust is broken, it is like starting from the beginning, only this time in harsher conditions. Whether annual, perennial, biennial, … But what if the honesty spoke of dishonesty- lies, deception, and misdirection, but faithful once that promise was made.
They loved walking together. Just around town, watching people go by and finding new places to explore. She was laughing, putting her arms around him holding close, one hand from behind the other in front.
"Let's go here", she said dragging him towards the indoor ice/ roller skating rink.
Somehow she was naturally talented at many things. The way she skated across the ice was magical, even though she hardly ever ice skated. He wondered how that was possible.