
He made a reservation. An oasis in the depths of nature. A surrounding of trees and rain drops by a waterfall. A box of white rose petals. A bouquet of white flowers which he arranged and placed in a glass vase the night before she arrived, a present in leaving.

As she woke up and noticed he was gone. There was a collection of fragrances lined upon the table, memories collection, thousand of dollars in total. He had been saving up for a couple of months to present this. He wasn’t a rich man, and he didn’t care to be one, enjoying the simpler things in life, but the longer they were together, the more time or money he spent on his expression for her.

'Everything can be faked. Joy, pain, hate, illness, recovery, even love... But there is always something authentic concealed in every forgery.’ (The Best Offer)

And when they got there, there was even more experiences to be had.

"What do you think of this one?", she asked staring at a piece on the wall.

Was it all a forgery? A deception in disguise, actors/ actresses who were talented in fooling everyone, including themselves, deliberately in the presence of others… Which is why they were cold enough to let so much go, sentimentality and emotions that was faked, so believable that it fooled themselves. This was the reason they were interesting, a mystery of their presence. Was it a misdirection, or was it real? Even they didn’t know.

Zhen Zhu

A rose for your stay 🌹
