
A gesture of his hand in chivalry, "whenever you’re ready, milady.”

If a woman should extend her hand to a gentleman, palm down and extended or before her so that it is clear a handshake is not what she had in mind, the gentleman simply places his lips lightly against her skin, poses her fingers for a second, and then allows her to pull her hands away. A slight bow from the waist.

Chivalry. Don't be chivalrous. Chivalry was once the script used by medieval knights to protect vulnerable people. Women, children, the elderly, and those who were sick or disabled. It was a prejudice, one of good intentions, to protect those, who the scribes believed, could not protect themselves. Over time it has changed to one dedicated strictly to women. But women are fully capable of doing things themselves. The chivalrous gestures should be done out of romantic intentions. Romance in the tradition of a gentlemen in company of a lady.

Courtesy. Courtesy is the politeness in attitude and behavior to everyone. Courtesy does not discriminate. Chivalry for the significance of romance.

He walked to the passenger side of the vehicle and opened her door. Only when it was fitting or natural. They were independent, not always doing things for one another, but when they did it was always appreciated. Sometimes they played with each other, pretending and dramatizing scenes of make believe, it was fun.

Zhen Zhu

A rose for your stay 🌹


