
Did you know the days of the week are named after celestial bodies and Germanic gods? Saturday, Sunday and Monday after Saturn, the Sun, and the Moon, and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, after Tiw, Woden, Thor, And Freya.

It was a lazy Sunday morning. The feel of sleepily waking up and walking out of the bedroom, down the stairs towards the scent of breakfast, sometimes a smell of waffles dripped in syrup and melted butter, or a strawberry jelly spread toasted croissant, a cup of fresh handpicked fruits, or better yet scrambled egg whites cooked with peppers, herbs with a side of vegetarian bacon. Today was back to simple and healthy as usual.

The newspaper was tossed across the dining room table, there was a glass of orange juice by a collection of strawberries and blueberries in a white bowl. Two warm bowls of oats sprinkled with a flurry of brown sugar. A cup of coffee. Must be for the adults. She was too young for coffee, her father let her taste it before, but yuck, it was too bitter. A man sits with his legs crossed picks up the newspaper and takes a sip of his coffee. "Good morning dear, did you sleep well?"

She was awoken by the sounds of birds chirping. They sang to one another in a tree nearby, splashing in a white bird bath on the grass beneath the tree. The voice of her father echoed in memory, "male birds often attracted the female through vocals. And sometimes singing because they were just happy." He kneeled down and held the white dove perched on his finger towards her.

It was laundry day.

The dripping of wet jeans and light colored clothing hanging on a line to dry in the sun. A white threaded basket sat underneath. There was a reassuring scent of clean clothes. Sunday was her favorite day, a day away from all other days, a day to rest, a day to go to church sometimes. The joy of waking up with the sunbeam against the skin, a silky-smooth feel against crumpled white stonewashed sheets, enveloping and relaxing, a pure sensation of comfort.

Is there a science to attraction in correlation to smell? The natural scent of body odor unmasked by deodorant, perfume, or other products. Women and men were once tested in this capacity, wearing a t-shirt for several days to produce scents that naturally occurred in the body, and then sniffing the scents of ones worn by various individuals.

Does diet affect the way we smell? Is it perhaps a blend of the products we find attractive mixed with the musk of the odors we secrete? Why does different stages of life draw us to different smells? The immunologically important genes, major histocompatibility complex (MHC), under natural as well as sexual selection. The affects of pregnancy and contraceptives to familiarity or the opposite to dissimilarity (C. Wedekind, S Füri, 1997). Why do we like the smells we smell? To hold on to memories of that which remind? What one person smells heavenly may be the counterpart for another. Is it beyond our control? What if it wasn't, to be able to play in the circumstances of attraction. To experiment with different scents, mixing and matching places in a desire to be, or feelings to evoke. Design in compliment to fragrance.

He forgot his sweater at her place that day, and as it laid on her chair hanging perfectly, it reminded her of him. An aroma hidden by a masculine front, that of the beach.

Zhen Zhu

A rose for your stay 🌹


