
When bees store honey, the crystallizations creating a hexagonal shape of a honeycomb. Deliberation in the structure of habitat to an ideal design accepted for the efficiency of storage. But what simply a natural coincidence of nature's beauty? Through the storage in volume of golden liquid in the natural shape that forms, a circle. And putting so many circles alongside one another, touching the sides of each other like neighbors, quite naturally becoming a hexagon.

Nature reaches a sense of perfection, in its own beautiful way. The way petals on flowers growing in their cycles of growth. The structure of seashells found lying in the sand. The movement, proportion, and shape of reproduction, natural disasters, and even galaxies. A golden ratio, a Fibonacci sequence, 1.618. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34… Can you figure it out? Everything involves a matter of numbers.

“We all make mistakes sweetie. It is a part of being human, we forget things, we do something wrong, and things never go as expected. Strong leaders take responsibility for all mistakes. That’s the way they teach. That’s the only way things may get better. They forgive, and they see all failures are their own- pushing in a direction that makes the world a better place. To harbor a workplace that helps people grow. ‘Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming - John Wooden.’”

Summer was in the driver’s seat that day, with the music playing she sang along at some point, she loved country music. Mostly because of what they sang about, how they made her feel, reminding her of a simpler time, a simpler life. Well that and her father played country music a bit more than other music. Usually during sunny days or sunsets.

Your voice is lovely.”

“…Really? I don’t like it”

“I’d disagree”

She looked at him and then back to the roads. 

Zhen Zhu

A rose for your stay 🌹


