
The stars in the skies was a wonder to behold, shooting an array of lights across the night sky. The moon, but just, a company of many. Twinkles of light, that inched further and further away, a wrinkle in time. Yes, that was a Disney reference, never saw that film though. They sat on their rooftop out the window that night, a warm summer night. Her father pointed…

"You know, the stars we see in the sky are all part of our Milky Way galaxy, but not all of them might still be alive."

"Even if we still see them?"

"Even if we still see them. It takes time for light to travel- 186,000 miles or 300,000 kilometers per second to be exact. Even the light from our Sun takes time to get to us. Most of the stars are hundreds of thousands of light years away."

"That must be really really far away."

"It is, and like any star it needs a source of energy, when that runs out, depending on their size, it can cause a supernova or a planetary nebula. Which is beautiful upon itself. The light we see, may be the remnants of a light, already gone, that is still trying to reach us."

Have you ever watched a star die? It is like looking in the eyes of someone dying. In realization knowing or not knowing what is about to happen. Particles of the universe rupturing, bursting into the vastness of space. Leaving clusters of fragments adrift, in a blushing release of light. A fortitude through the transition. The soul of a love just met, and a journey reborn.

Her father looked at her, "quite a wonder, huh?" Summer nodded, she never understood all of what he told her, but she liked hearing him talk.

What is the reason adages of astrology synchronize with the thoughts we have of ourselves? Even if not entirely, but moderately or partially. Picture for a moment, a beach and how the elements interact with one another. A breeze of wind blowing the particles of earth and sand into a heat of fire burning by the rolling tides of water. Free flowing air that moves ever so fleetingly coming and going. Grounded earth that remains firm in stability and material. Fiery flames that burns passionately to brighten and warm the night. The depths of water flowing and converging wherever it goes. How do they interact with one another? How do they complement one another and how do they destroy each other? Finding a balance for peace if they may lie together.

What is a leap year? An organization in leftover time to try and catch up with the revolution of the Earth around the Sun. Important so that our constructed calendar year matches the solar year- revolving around the center of our solar system. It takes Earth approximately 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 48 seconds to rotate around the Sun (SpacePlace, Nasa). So the measurement of time that have been developed misses precision. The approximate 6 hours lost per year is added together during the leap year, to make up for the lost time. But what about the 13 minutes and 12 seconds? Across a linear timeline, does the forgotten time misrepresent the clocks, calendars, and horoscopes of which we see as true? Is it just structures to better control, constructs to organize, and ideas that bring out, what we wish to see? A fault and rip in that reality, but maybe it is choosing to take a faith in what can be true despite.

To explain the meaning behind the gift we receive simply on an act of choosing- a wonder and mystery to behold. For how and what we choose to do with it. Because if what we wish to see as true becomes true, then should it be made as something to love?

'For beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.'

Zhen Zhu

A rose for your stay 🌹

[(1+ √5)/2]

