

“Hey yourself”

He kisses her in greeting. Reaching down to hold her hand, pushing her away, pulling her towards. Dipping her down and spinning her around, in a twirl. The most perfect moments in life, don’t need to be said, don’t need words, but merely in the passing. For the beauty lies in what is forgotten, left behind, presence in the present. Letting go of what has come before, and releasing of what may come ahead, leading, to the possibility of being lost forever…

Everything is only as sentimental as it was made to be, as it was meant . He turned around to look back, but there was nothing left to see.

"No. The opportunities presented themselves, but I turned them down. When I sought for it myself, I learned grace through failures. But one way or another nothing happened. All for different reasons, we may have been at different points in our lives, the time wasn’t right, or sometimes it didn't feel right. But they all made me who I am now, and for now they’ve led me to you.”

As they sat in the background, and the atmosphere, music playing softly in the background, it was nice. He handed her his phone, no password, always unlocked, nothing to hide. A cohesive timeline they would share, memories and feelings called home, by the familiarity/ feelings, that created an endless story. Different sounds for different feelings, different atmospheres, different moods. The latest at the forefront, minor touches mixing between. They may stay, they may go, and they may return. Memories shared and created. Music is a memory back in time, from when we first heard the song, to the people, and places that shared it, and to the new memories that follow later.

“When I returned, things were different, life was different. I was waiting. I’m yours for now, if you’ll have me.”

Zhen Zhu

A rose for your stay 🌹



