
He was playing an instrument softly in the background, in the dancing strings of guitar or the play of keys in piano, singing in a gentle voice to help her fall asleep in her crib. Some nights he cradled her in his arms singing to her, and eventually all he needed was one song to put her to sleep. The baby monitor sat laying there, but usually she was a good sleeper, often not crying in the middle of the night. But whenever she did, he would wake up no matter how tired he was to pick her up, and soothe her.

Being a parent is difficult, because there is no guideline on what is right and what is wrong. But rather what you would prefer, to be passed along, to continue living. So to be conscious of how you want to be treated even if you may have not received it yourself is to display it yourself, as uncomfortable as it may be to begin that change. This was the parent he chose to be, to lead by example, to love with compassion, disciplined in practice, and respectful in behavior. Sometimes having a little fun and being young.

“I don’t know how I feel… You’re the first girl I’ve ever been with. A part of me wants to know what it would be like without you.”

Left simply in dash.

