
Fall is a season of exhilarating sadness, a moment in time when we marvel at the radiant colors and celebrate harvest, yet mourn the inevitable retreat of the world back into the ground. Leaves blowing away in the last few days of a good friend/ lover.

“At the end of the day, the countryside is where I feel the most at home. Away from all the people, all the noise, waking up to a cup of coffee and a sunrise”, she leaned back looking up to the sunny sky.

“Tending to my vegetable/ flower garden and raising my animals.”

It was a lot of hard work for her and her father, getting down and dirty, but it was worth it. Her relatives often lived with them from time to time and helped out around the vineyard/ farm. Her father was always welcoming their presence, but there was an expectation of how long they may stay for. He was always there to help them if they needed it, but that included them giving a hand with the responsibilities.

He always wished for the simpler life, a life at a farm, a vineyard, growing flowers, distilling wine. Having their own sources of food, water, property, income. Chickens, sheep, dogs, and horses. No cows, he wasn’t a fan of milk, preferring alternative milk choices. Starting a family with the woman he loves, watching the sunrises and sunsets together as the days begins and ends. He wanted the day to start and end with her by his side. It wasn’t that complicated. Simple. The smaller things in life. They didn’t have to make a lot of money, just enough to keep them happy and not worry too much. A house they built together, designing, planning, re-constructing. Really big, with balconies, and terraces, luxurious bathrooms, beautiful bedrooms, spacious kitchens, living rooms, and closets. Strong in the construction, enough to withstand weather and gorgeous large black gates to keep them safe from intruders. Flowers that line the paths and the exterior, a backyard that leads the lake. To watch the world go by. A hospitable and welcoming host. But a host that did not tolerate those who broke the trust. In driving distance to the city, but distant enough to watch the stars in the night sky. A small town of neighbors nearby. Modern technology in a simple world. Actually that sounds a bit complicated, but it was just to appreciate the simple things more.

Going out in the early morning to feed the animals and water the flower/ plants. Using an axe to chop wood on a stump in the middle of the afternoon. Working from home, and working on the field. His wife preparing a meal and refreshments as he teaches their daughter the responsibilities around the house. They were married for a few years before they decided to start a family, because they had to see if their futures lined up.

