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In Faith,


"Yes sweetheart?"

"What happens after you die?"

"...That depends on what you believe sweetie."

"Everyone has a different way in how they see the world. At the very beginning, people believed in gods that ruled the skies, oceans, and many other things because they didn't know why it happened. Over time it changed as science helped us understand the world. Nowadays some people don't believe in god, while some people do. There are others that follow something completely different, or others who just don't know.

They are searches for meaning- But it's good to have something to believe in."

"What do you believe daddy?"

"Everything has a truth, darling. They all teach you something, giving you a path to walk down. Even science doesn't explain everything. But maybe if everything can be true, and maybe what you hold to be true, may become true. So if you get to that point, where do you want to go? How do you want to play?"

"Sounds fun"

"I hope to meet your mother again sweetie."

Heaven is a love left waiting, across thousands of years in the safe passage of journey. Angels connecting the heavens and the earths, in a reunion/ ceremony to share the remainder of time; lifting the angelic white veil. Innocence and purity in the patience of virginity.

Her father was open to the idea of beliefs, and her mother was religious. They respected each other for how they saw the world, and didn't try to change one another. But what her father saw was simply a connection beyond to everything, and it worked in hand with others. Some say there is a science to it… and perhaps there is. But maybe, just maybe, there is a fate behind the science. A fate in being blindfolded. Trusting the self in the arms of another, and letting go, left alone in hope.

After some time that her mother passed away, her father began to give more of his faith to what her mother believed, because after it all, he wanted a chance to see her again.