*Thank you for last night.
There was a red heart afterwards. He responded. She smiled. It was a blue heart back. She knew she could always count on him, if she texted him, he would always respond back, even if not right away. It was something she learned from him.
This was after they got into a relationship, being close friends for some time, sexual tension that was resisted. It wasn’t until she was really drunk one night, and couldn’t stop thinking about him. Did she make the first move. Knowing that if something were to happen to her, he would be there for her. He was all that she needed, and that was what made him feel loved by her. That even if a billion people came between them, that even if they were across the edges of the universe… he would always find his way back to her. She was able to trust herself completely with him, hoping he would hold her close to him.
So when he noticed he was right about her feelings for him, he asked her on a proper date. He made it clear he liked her, in hints, compliments, and gestures- but never more than what was required and sometimes not at all. A gentlemen’s bowtie or necktie, tied by hand, not too tight but secure, and if needed, adjustments to make it neat. Seeing if she may indicate a reciprocal interest, an indicator of interest. He was patient, perfectly fine with reaching the finish line last, doing what he can to leave the world better than it was before- along the way, as hard as that may be.
“Before we begin”, he said his hands reaching down her hair and onto the strap of the bra. “I want us to take it slow, hold back and wait… finish at the same time”, he undid the clip with one hand, and stopped to look at her, tucking her hair behind her ear.
He paused, “that's not weird, is it?”
“You’re always weird”, she laughed.
He brought her whatever she needed. No matter the wildness of hormones. In what was craved. In the craziness it seemed. He kissed her belly. Sitting next to her. Her hair, her breath, her scent. Her legs over his, leaning into him. Watching a film and relaxing in the night. Cuddling. What a feminine word for something possibly enjoyable…