Seeing you was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Because when I did, it would take what felt like forever... before you left. Sometimes you made me nervous, sometimes I was lost in your eyes. I hated seeing you, and I loved seeing you, whatever time we shared. I didn't want to ruin what we currently had, because I liked what we had. I didn’t want to ruin what we had. It became a mystery, and people say things are always more interesting when you don't know what you don't have.
When you do, everything would change. No matter what the result may be. Whether yes or no, or maybe so. Things would never be the same. It was painful, a hurt whenever the chance was gone. If you were no longer available, or if I lost my chance. To deliver a graceful invitation yet prepare for a graceful leave. It was always like this... but this time it was different, it was difficult to get there. To ruin the beauty of what was. It needed time, patience, to see if it may be worth the wait.
He was a mystery. An array of feelings and emotions, lost in a distance, locked away. She was a drug. A drug that brought him back, waking him up, the breath of her scent as she leans closer in, making him notice and hear and smell, that of which was heavenly. Maybe she wasn't for me, he thought. As beautiful as she may be, in heart, in beauty- sometimes that's just the way it is. Maybe it was best to leave it the way it was.
They were in breaths reach, seduction in desire without fulfillment. 'The best part of any first-kiss is the lead-up to it, the moment right before the lips touch. It's like a big drumroll. So, how about, tonight, we just stick with the drumroll.’ And so it was hard to reach, because that’s how he wanted her to play. To resist intentionally, playfully, in reciprocation, a tease and chase, a wait for more. Hiding and seeking. It was a hunt. Tag. In the seeking of mating for a perfect match. Is there ever the right one?
She bit her lips, her index finger, grabbing on in resistance. Wait. But it was a second too late. Resisting what she couldn’t control. But simply let go. A pleasure in knowing her pleasure.
Right there.