He invited her to his wooden cabin that evening, it was by the waterfront. Moderate and humble in size and yet a spectacle to behold when entered. Welcoming and warm. Elegant, ethereal. As neat as it was clean.
"Though at some point it is nice to know", Luke said opening the front door. It was as beautiful as it was modern, a timeless design of interior.
"It's very nice in here", she said as she entered.
"Make yourself at home". He turned on the fireplace.
She took off her shoes and placed it on the shoe rack nearby, "I didn't know you lived by the beach".
"It was on my bucket list. Somewhere by a lake to watch the sun set."
A puppy ran up to them, barking towards the front door at the intruders. A fluffy medium sized white puppy, an American Eskimo. "Hey girl", Luke got down and rubbed the side of her cheeks.
"Hi sweetie", Summer said rubbing her fluffy pink tummy.
“What’s her name?”, she asked as she saw the tag on her collar, a beautiful white snowflake.
“It’s on the other side”
He sat down, and the puppy jumped onto her lap beginning to lick her hands which she washed earlier, she laughed. Through the sight, he made his way into the kitchen.
Would you like some tea? Jasmine green", he indicated as he began preparing the kettle.
Sometimes she called him dad, sometimes daddy, sometimes father, it depended on the context, on how she was feeling. Typically as children grow older they outgrow a certain phase of their life, but it all varies from child to child. Dad seems more like a friend. Father to a higher authority, a potential role model. Daddy is for when we are young, cause it rolls off the tongue. Unless, you know, you’re thinking a little dirty, she hit him on the shoulder. This is the children friendly section of the book, she scolded. He laughed, they won’t understand.
“This is hard.”
“It is, isn’t it? As with anything, but…
when you believe something can be done, your mind will find ways to do it. Believing in a solution paves way to a solution.”
It was a beautiful cabinet, curves elegantly shaped, wood that was etched to perfect detail. Was there instructions? Sometimes, but sometimes her father liked to build something without a blueprint.